More weight for Saved feed in NTM for Holstein

Saved feed was included in the Nordic Total Merit (NTM) in 2020 for all breeds. With the introduction of new saved feed index in February 2025, its weighting in the NTM for Holstein has been adjusted. The new weight for saved feed is 0.18, more than double the previous value of 0.08. For NTM, 10 index units in saved feed will change NTM by one unit. A bull with 110 in saved feed will increase NTM by one unit according to the changed weight for saved feed.

The introduction of the new saved feed index has also changed the correlation between NTM and saved feed, not only for Holstein but for all breeds. The updated NTM correlations can be found on NAV homepage.

New Saved feed index

In February 2025 evaluation, a new Saved feed index was introduced. The new index is based on dry matter intake (DMI), production (ECM) and weight change. The interpretation of the index remains the same: higher index values indicate lower feed intake. One index corresponds to a reduction of 15-20 kg in dry matter intake per lactation. There is a low correlation between the old and the new index for saved feed which means a large reranking between animals for the saved feed index. Since Saved feed is included in NTM there will also be a minor effect on NTM.

Read more about the new Saved feed index:

NAV Evaluation

The first NAV routine evaluation this year took place as scheduled. The NAV Bull Search has been updated with the new EBV’s and GEBV’s. NAV Beef Search is also updated with new beef x dairy breeding values.

In the dairy cattle evaluation new saved feed index was introduced. While the name and the interpretation of the index remain unchanged —higher values still indicate lower feed consumption—the index has undergone significant changes. These changes have affected the correlation between NTM and the saved feed index across all breeds. Additionally, the weight of saved feed in NTM has been adjusted for Holstein.

Read more about the changes: