

NAV Beef workshop, September 18, Copenhagen, Denmark


Pedigree verification by use of genotype

Monogenetic traits beef workshop 2024

Genomic breeding values for weight/growth and carcass traits

Group discussion

NAV Dairy workshop, January 18, Copenhagen, Denmark

Introduction to groupwork


NAV Beef Webinar, November 17th 2023

How to use NAV Beef Search (PDF)  (recording)

NAV Beef workshop, September 27, Copenhagen, Denmark


Improvements introduced during 2023

Data behind genetic evaluations for beef – room for improvements

Use and plan for use of the NAV EBVs for beef cattle an overview and introduction to group work

Plans for joint Nordic genomic prediction of beef cattle

New traits from the Future Beef Cross project of relevance for beef cattle

Interbeef an update

Interbull meeting, August 26-27 2023, Lyon, France

Multi breed genetic evaluation of beef bulls used in dairy herds – Emphasis on newest development

Symposium in honor of Research Professor Esa Mäntysaari, September 13, Jokioinen, Finland

Joint Nordic Genetic Evaluation – a journey

NAV Dairy workshop, January 19, Copenhagen, Denmark


Experiences having a joint Nordic and French genetic evaluation for Jersey

Branding, available tools

Indication of optimum for type traits at the search page

Brush up NTM questions from May 2022

Introduction to group work

BeefxDairy: Genetic evaluation traits to consider – today and in the future

Possibilities and challenges establishing efficient selection tools and breeding programs for beef breeds used in dairy herds

Access to more data from automatic registration systems on Nordic cattle data bases – status and plans


NAV Beef workshop, September 22, Copenhagen, Denmark


Genomic prediction of Finnish beef cattle breeds

Genomic prediction of (Swedish) Hereford and Charolais

Genomic prediction of beef cattle based on genotyped dairy x beef calves – a possibility?

Interbeef genomic prediction – a possibility?

Future beef breeding plans – Upwards and forwards

Phenotypic values of beefxdairy indices

Future Beef Breeding Strategy In VG

NAV Pure bred Beef evaluation – status update


73rd Annual Meeting of European Federation of Animal Science, September 5 – 8, Porto, Portugal

Genetic correlations between feed efficiency, production and female fertility in Nordic Red Dairy cattle


12th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, June 3 – 8, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Modelling Metabolic efficiency


Interbull meeting May 30 – June 3, Montreal, Canada

Nordic Holstein single-step test day model using left truncated genomic data

Nordic genetic evaluation for purebred beef cattle (on calving and growth traits)

Nordic genomic prediction for crossbred dairy females


NAV Dairy workshop, May 19th 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark

Use of sexed semen and beef semen in dairy herds

Maintenance, efficiency and beef production


NAV Dairy webinar, January 19th 2022

Life cycle assessment – the role of dairy cattle breeding and the effect on future breeding goal

Future beef production from dairy herds the role of dairy cattle breeding

State of art in relation methane registration for breeding purposes

Use of sexed semen and beef semen: presentation, video

Maintenance efficiency and beef production: presentation, video

Raised questions in relation to NTM and NAV update: presentation, video


NAV Temperament Webinar, October 14th 2021

Welcome and introduction

Temperament registrations in Denmark, Sweden and Finland – Status

Need for temperament registrations from a farmers’ and a breeding advisor’s perspective

Need for temperament registrations from VikingGenetics perspective

Possibilities to get more registrations on Danish, Finnish, and Swedish data bases – Short term

Different temperament measurements of relevance

Possibilities to get large scale recording of alternative temperament measurements on Danish, Finnish and Swedish data bases – Long term

NAV Beef Webinar, October 7th 2021

Welcome and introduction

Joint Nordic EBVs for single traits for beef cattle

Traits and weighting in current national indices and suggestions for joint Nordic indices – Denmark

Traits and weighting in current national indices and suggestions for joint Nordic indices – Finland

Traits and weighting in current national indices and suggestions for joint Nordic indices – Sweden

Publication of Nordic EBV’s on NAV search page – Thresholds

How to use NAV Beef search?

Future development in Nordic genetic evaluation for beef cattle, and state of art about genomic evaluation

Interbull Virtual Meeting, April 2021

Genetic evaluation for Saved feed

Meta model for genomic relationships of metafounders applied on large scale single step random regression test day model

Using single step genetic evaluation for type traits in the Nordic countries

Single step genomic predictions of a minor breed

Handling of inbreeding & semen sire breed in the Nordic Holstein fertility evaluations as part of EuroGenomics

NAV Dairy webinar, January 20, 2021

Registration of feed intake by CFIT camera – status and plans

Nordic Genetic Evaluation of Saved feed including use of CFIT data

COW SLAUGHTER DATA – A source to improve the genetic evaluation for maintenance efficiency

Saved feed genetic evaluation around in the world

Genetic and genomic selection as a methane mitigation strategy in dairy cattle

iDDEN International Dairy Data Exchange Network

NAV Beef webinar, January 19, 2021

Overview: Nordic beef cattle in figures and the importance of registrations

Joint Nordic evaluation for Pure bred Beef

Presentation of EBVs

Joint publication rules

Why and how do original national evaluations deviate from joint Nordic EBVs – Sweden

Why and how do original national evaluations deviate from joint Nordic EBVs – Denmark

Why and how do original national evaluations deviate from joint Nordic EBVs – Finland

Implementation plan, time schedule for Nordic evaluation and future plans


EAAP Virtual Meeting, December 2020

Easy implementation of QP transformation in ssGTBLUP

Integration of MACE breeding values into domestic multi-trait test-day model evaluations

Approximating individual animal reliabilities in single-step genomic model

ICAR, Interbeef webinar, December 10, 2020

Interbeef: Experiences of a founding member (Denmark, Finland & Sweden)

Genetic evaluation for Saved feed

NAV workshop, January 16, 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark


Genetic evaluation of Saved feed

Saved feed in NTM version

NAV information


ICAR Technical session, June 19, Prague, Czech

Nordic breeding values for beef breed sires used for crossbreeding with dairy dams

Interbull meeting, June 23 – 26, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Multitrait across country genomic evaluations for EuroGenomics countries

Genetic Evaluation for Maintenance – Towards Genomic Breeding Values for Saved Feed in Nordic Dairy Cattle

Nordic breeding values for beef breed sires used for crossbreeding with dairy dams

NAV workshop, January 17, 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark


License to produce

Genetic evaluation for saved feed and methane emission

Status and plans genomic prediction

NTM – value and effect in practice

Breeding values for beef breed sires used for crossbreeding with dairy

International cooperation and other NAV activities


Interbull workshop, August 25 – 26, 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Multitrait across country genomic evaluations for Eurogenomics countries

NAV workshop II, May 24, 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark


Achieve consensus on how to deal with general aspects of NTM upgrade: Weight on different lactations in EBVs and organic production system

NTM 2018 sensitivity analyses – Overview of results

2018 Review of Nordic Total Merit Index – Weights for calculation of the Yield index

Interbull meeting, January 7 – 11, 2018, Auckland, New Zealand

Integration of external information in genetic evaluations

NAV workshop I, January 18, 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark


2018 Review of NTM – Introduction to the NTM-model

2018 NTM weights and expected genetic response

How to deal with feed efficiency in NTM

Registration and breeding for health worldwide

Improved genetic evaluation of General Health

Breeding values for beef breed sires used for crossbreeding with dairy

Improved genomic prediction – females in reference


Interbull meeting, August 25 – 27, 2017, Tallinn, Estonia

Validation of genomic and genetic evaluations in 305d production traits of Nordic Holstein cattle

Evaluation of conception rate in Nordic dairy cattle

NAV workshop, January 19, 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark


NTM the improvement process

Future value of the content of milk

Future conditions for cattle production

How does NTM work in practice

NTM from 2008 to 2017

Group work I, introduction

Group work I, summary

Feed intake – state of art

How to communicate about NTM – Finland

How to communicate about NTM – Sweden

How to communicate about NTM – Denmark

How to communicate about NTM – export

Group work II, introduction

Improvements in NAV genetic evaluation

Fat and protein percentage

Genetic trends: HOL cows

Genetic trends: RDC cows

Genetic trends: JER cows


National webinars for breeders, November 2016

Genomic prediction is improved

Improvements in female fertility evaluation

Improved genetic evaluation for calving and birth traits

NAV evaluation of udder linear and coordinate traits

Improved NAV genetic evaluation of production traits

Interbull meeting, October 24 – 28, 2016, Puerto Varas, Chile

Young stock survival in Nordic cattle genetic evaluation

Single step genomic evaluation for fertility in Nordic Red dairy cattle

Claw health – Genetic correlation estimates between DFS  and NLD

EAAP, August 29 – September 2, 2016, Belfast, Northern-Ireland

Genetic parameters for a multiple-trait linear model conception rate evaluation    Abstract

Single step genomic evaluation with many more genotyped animals

Efficient computations for single-step genomic evaluations      Abstract

Test-Day single-step genomic evaluation using APY algorithm    Abstract

Single-step genomic evaluation for fertility in Nordic Red dairy cattle     Abstract

NAV workshop, January 14, 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark


Use of udder coordinates to improve udder conformation

Possibilities to improve temperament with AMS data

AMS data related to milking workload

NTM – the improvement process (youngstock survival, functional udder, an efficient cow) 

Breeding goals for different production systems

Cross breeding –update on results

Status and plans – genomic prediction and traditional evaluation

Summary of group work


NAV Breeders webinar September 15, 2015

Functional udderpresentation

Economic value of Young Stock Survival: presentation

Recording of the webinar, here

EAAP, August 31 – September 4, 2015, Warsaw, Poland

Exclusion or inclusion of information of culled bulls on the single-step genomic evaluation

Interbull Technical Workshop and Industry Meeting, February 24-25, 2015 – Forellenhof, Walsrode, Germany:

Effect of genomic pre-selection on the stability of EBVs from traditional BLUP procedure for production traits – a practical illustration

NAV workshop, January 13, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark:


Efficient collection of DNA, pedigree verification/assignment – status and plans in Denmark, Sweden and Finland

How to handle single genes in the genetic evaluation and breeding plan – Lethals

Other DNA tests e.g. polled, milk genomics

Genomic prediction

NAV Bull search posibilities and further development

How to deal with persistency in the breeding goal

Young stock survival and possible inclusion in NTM

Optimal combination of linear udder traits


MiX99 Workshop, December 3-4, 2014, Tuusula, Finland: 

Software expectations from the industry: genetic evaluations for the future

Interbull meeting, May 18-23, 2014, Berlin, Germany:

Should markers on the X chromosome be used for genomic predictions?

Genomic Selection Cattle workshop, January 21-22, 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark:

Status on routine evaluation in NAV and Interbull

Status on practical breeding program in VG

Effect of size of reference group

Simulations results

Experiences from ASMO

Use of reproduction technologies in the future – VG strategy

Strategies for selection against recessive lethals

Research status (prediction) and a view (peek) into the future

Use of genomic tests and sexed semen increase genetic level within herd

Milk as new phenotypes

Environmental traits and feed efficiency

NAV workshop, January 9, 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark:

Nordic Cattle Database Forum – Status

Collection of DNA – Danish experiences

NAV evaluation of calf survival

Milkability – milkflow data

Genetic evaluation for type traits

Imputation and pedigree verification

Genomic prediction – status

International genomic prediction and GMACE

Use of genomic tests and sexed semen increase genetic lewel within herd

Breeding values for beef bulls used on dairy cows

NAV EBV bull display

What is our aim in using composite type traits?

Overall type traits – optimally combined udder


Djurhälso- och utfodringskonferens, September 28, 2013, Billingehus i Skövde, Sweden: 

Breeding for milkability – How to use the new possibilities

EAAP and Interbull joined sessions, August 23-25, 2013, Nantes, France:

Simulation Study on Heterogeneous Variance Adjustment for Observations with Different Measurement Error Variance

Comparison of National Genomic Predictions of EuroGenomics Exchanged Young Bulls

Should the Markers on X Chromosome be Used for Genomic Prediction?

Detection of Genomic Pre-Selection with Mendelian Sampling Variance Test

Comparison of model reliabilities from single-step and bivariate blending methods

Haplotype-assisted genomic evaluations in Nordic Red Dairy Cattle

Single step evaluations using haplotype segments

ICAR technical meeting, May 29-31, 2013, Aarhus, Denmark:

Recording of data and identification issues

NAV workshop, January 10, 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark:

NAV strategy 2013-2015

Experiences genomic prediction

Update genomic selection including GMACE

Genomic selection on herd level

Future collection of DNA

Nordic NTM promotion

Revision of type model and later lactation

Possibilities – collecting and using AMS data


World Holstein Conference, November 4-7, 2012, Toronto, Canada:

Selection for Disease Resistance

Interbull meeting, May 28-31, 2012, Cork, Ireland:

Measurement error variance of testday observations from automatic milking systems

Screening for outliers in multiple trait genetic evaluation

Effect of genomic pre-selection on the stability of EBV’s from traditional BLUP procedure for production traits – a practical illustration

Single step genomic evaluations for the Nordic Red Dairy cattle test day data

Validation of consistency of Mendelian sampling variance in national evaluation models

Comparative assessment of methods for estimating genomic relationships and their use in predictions in an admixed population

Possibilities of implementing measures from automatic milking systems in routine evaluations of udder conformation and milking speed

Use of data from electronic milking meters and perspective in use of other objective measures

Introduction: Current Nordic dairy herd health recording and the way forward


NAV internal seminar, November 8, 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark:


Pedigree control and SNP based parenting

Sequencing for better genomic predictions

Elimination of Genetic Defects

Genomic predictions – Current routines and experiences

Genomic predictions – New developments

Genomic predictions – Jersey

Genomic predictions – Red dairy cattle

GS breeding plan in practice

New research on breeding plans

Interbull meeting, August 26-28, 2011, Stavanger, Norway:

Genetic evaluation of claw health in Denmark, Finland and Sweden

Estimation of GEBVs using deregressed individual cow breeding values

Simulation study on Mendelian sampling variance tests

Genomic prediction using high-density SNP markers in Nordic Holstein and Red (RDC)

NAV workshop on claw health, May 4, 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark:


Claw health registration and harmonisation

Genetic evaluation of claw health

Nordic claw health index – Weight on single traits

Nordic claw health index – Correlation to other traits

Present NTM

Claw health in NTM – relative weight to other traits and effect on NTM

Genomic breeding values

Future improvements in yield evaluation


Seminar on genomic selection, November 24, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark:


Genomic predictions using 3K, 50K, 800K or sequence data within and across populations –results and speculations

Genomic information in routine evaluation –Genomic prediction, blending and publication criteria

Genomic breeding plans

Building up a reference population for new (and old) traits

French visit, August 29, 2010:

NAV claw health work ongoing – Expect to have joint evaluation by the end of the year

World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestok Production, August 1-6, 2010, Leipzig, Germany:

Use of Bivariate EBV-DGV model to combine genomic and conventional breeding value evaluations

Heterogeneous Variance Adjustment in across-country genetic evaluation with country-specific heritabilities

NØK Conference, July 26, 2010, Højn, Iceland:

Requirements for future recording systems

Interbull meeting, June 1-3, 2010, Riga, Latvia:

A recipe for multiple trait deregression

Combining test day SCS with clinical mastitis and udder type traits: A random regression model for joint genetic evaluation of udder health

Proteje meeting, May 18, 2010, Paris, France:

Nordic Total Merit Index (NTM) – history and development

Genomic Selection Cattle workshop, May 6, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark:


Genomic selection –importance of size of reference population and SNP density

EBVs with medium reliability

Challenges in the new breeding schemes with use of effective Genomic Selection

The effect of single genes – genes with large effect and recessive lethals

Viking representatives meeting, April 14, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark:

The breeding plan and the work for better indices from a global perspective


Genomic Selection Cattle workshop, October 22, 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark:


Nordic collaboration

HF updatestability and connection to reference

Jersey – Update and perspectives on international collaboration

Update on the red breeds

From traditional EBVs to GEBVs -in Nordic and International evaluation

How to blend DGVs and EBVs

Genomic Breeding Plans

Future improvements on Genomic Selection

EAAP meeting, August 21-24, 2009, Barcelona, Spain:

Joint Nordic Genetic Evaluation of Growth and Carcass traits in Dairy Breeds

Combining co-variance components from different models using iterative summing of expanded part matrices: Udder health traits

Interbull meeting, August 21-24, 2009, Barcelona, Spain:

Estimation of Parameters for heterogeneous variance adjustment on test-day data

Estimation of variance components for Nordic red cattle test-day model – Bayesian Gibbs sampler vs Monte Carlo EM REML

The 28th European Holstein-Red Holstein Conference, June 30 – July 3, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey:

Health, longevity and economic merit – Key words in the Nordic cattle breeding goal

Joint genetic evaluation of other disease traits in Denmark, Finland and Sweden


Interbull meeting, June 16-19, 2008, Niagara Falls, NY, USA:

Strategy for estimation of variance components for the joint Nordic yield evaluation

World Ayrshire Congress, June 2008, Hämeenlinna, Finland:

Finland, pioneer in health recording and breeding for health

Scandinavian co-operation in dairy evaluation


EAAP, August 2007, Dublin, Ireland:

Predictive ability of different models for clinical mastitis in joint genetic evaluation for Sweden, Denmark and Finland

Interbull meeting, August 23-25, 2007, Dublin, Ireland:

Genetic Evaluation of Calving Traits in Denmark, Finland, and Sweden

Locomotion as a New Trait – First Results from Denmark

Experiences with Interbull test IV – estimation of genetic variance

International Red Cow Conference, July 11-13, 2007, Malmö, Sweden:

Nordic Cattle Genetic Evaluation – a tool for practical breeding with red breeds

The 27th European Holstein-Red Holstein Conference, July 2-5, 2007, Aarhus, Denmark:

Registration on farm level – Can I trust the results from national and international listings and breeding values


World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestok Production, August 13-18, 2006, Belo Horizonte, Brazil:

Random Heterosis and Recombination Loss effects in a multibreed evaluation for Nordic red dairy cattle

Interbull meeting, June 4-6, 2006, Kuopio, Finland:

Genetic Evaluation of Udder Health traits for Denmark, Finland and Sweden

Swedish sire evaluation of hoof diseases based on hoof trimming records

Joint Nordic Test Day Model – Variance components

Joint Nordic Test Day Model – Evaluation model

Joint Nordic Test Day Model – Experiences with the New Model

ICAR meeting, June 7-10, 2006, Kuopio, Finland:

Improving the health traits by recording and evaluation – Use of health data in genetic evaluation and breeding

Health, Wealth & Happiness. British Cattle Conference. 61st Annual Winter Conference, January 23-25, 2006, Shrewsbury, England:

Data Collection and Genetic Evaluation of Health Traits in the Nordic Countries


European Red Dairy Breed (ERDB) Conference, October 26-27, 2005, Skara, Sweden:

The basis for co-operation in breeding in the ERDB member countries

Sustainable Breeding in The Nordic Red Dairy Breeds, Project seminar, October 25-26, 2005, Skara, Sweden:

Nordic cattle genetic evaluation


European Holstein and Red Holstein Confederation director and secretary meeting, Thessaloniki, Greece:

Scandinavian co-operation