Saved feed index describes genetic potential for saving feed. The calculation of saved feed index is based on indexes for dry matter intake, ECM production, and change in weight over time.  A higher breeding value indicates more saved feed and can be expressed as reduced kilograms of dry matter intake. When the saved feed index increases by one unit for a cow, it reduces the dry matter intake by 60 gram per day, which accumulates to 15-20 kg of dry matter per lactation.

The breeding value for maintenance efficiency describes the genetic ability for saved feed through lower maintenance requirement. Basically, it is related to the body weight of the cow. It is well-known that a larger cow requires more energy for maintenance than a smaller cow. The information for this breeding value is based on weight records from many Nordic cows – either from scale or from tape measurements – in the first three lactations. Further, the body conformation measures stature, body depth and chest width, from linear classification, are used as correlated traits.

More about Saved feed:

High potential with Saved Feed version 3.0

NAV introduces an index for Saved feed

Saved feed adds more value to NTM

Metabolic efficiency included in the Saved feed index

Genetic evaluation for Saved feed (November 2020)

More efficient and climate-friendly cows (film)