New weigths for Jersey’s udder index

Jersey has changed weight in udder index

In November 2015, Jersey has introduced a new weighing of the linear conformation traits in the overall udder index. The new and the old weights are shown in table 1. The changes in weights for udder create significant reranking of cows and bulls. The correlation between the old and the new udder index for Jersey bulls is 0.84.


Table 1. Old and new weightings of linear udder traits in mammary. Jersey

Traits Previous New
Fore udder attachment 25 20
Rear udder height 5
Rear udder width
Udder cleft 10
Udder depth 35 25
Teat length 3
Teat thickness 12
Teat placement, front 15
Teat placement, back -10
Udder balance -10
Codes for udder 5



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Official Interbeef breeding values

Denmark, Finland and Sweden (DFS) participate together in Interbeef, the international genetic evaluation for beef cattle. The aim with Interbeef is the same as with Interbull, thus to be able to compare breeding values for animals from different parts of the word.

Now there are official Interbeef breeding values on a common DFS scale published for Adjusted Weaning Weight (AWW) direct effect for the breeds Charolais and Limousin.

Read more about the Nordic cooperation in Interbeef and look at top lists of Interbeef breeding values under Beef Cattle.

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NAV breeders webinar

In preparation for NAV workshop in January 2016 NAV hosted a webinar where results for 2 topics (Young stock survival, functional udder) were presented. For the two topics decisions should be discussed in January. Participants in the webinar were people involved in deciding the breeding goal for RDC, Holstein and Jersey.

A webinar is a meeting where people can participate from home via computer.  NAV’s first webinar was held succesfully and NAV got positive feedback from the participants.

The material of the webinar and recording of the webinar is under Presentations.


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