NAV Genomic Evaluation

The latest NAV routine genomic evaluation took place as scheduled. NAV carried out genomic prediction for Holstein, RDC and Jersey.

Genomic breeding values of bulls are updated to NAV Bull Search after each evaluation.

Read more from the NAV newsletter.

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New breeding values based on beef x dairy crossbred data

NAV has now released the first breeding values for beef sires from a new genetic evaluation that utilizes data on beef × dairy crossbreds. The use of beef semen in dairy herds has increased considerably during the past years, and these new breeding values will aid farmers in their choice of the right beef sire to use on dairy cows that are not needed to produce recruitments. Breeding values are calculated for two groups of traits: calving traits and carcass traits.

Information about the new breeding values and publication list can be found under Beef Cattle and BeefxDairy publication.

Read more about the new breeding values:

Newsletter BeefxDairy

New breeding values for beef breed sires used on dairy cows

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NAV Genomic Evaluation

The latest NAV routine genomic evaluation took place as scheduled. NAV carried out genomic prediction for Holstein, RDC and Jersey.

Genomic breeding values of bulls are updated to NAV Bull Search after each evaluation. Read more from the NAV newsletter.

NAV Interbull Search has been also updated with new Interbull breeding values.

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NAV Evaluation – New NTM!

The fourth NAV routine evaluation this year took place as scheduled. The NAV Bull Search has been updated with the new EBV’s and GEBV’s.

In this evaluation new updated NTM weights were implemented for Holstein, Nordic red breeds and Jersey. The update of the breeding goal takes place 10 years after that NTM was first published in 2008.

At the same time other changes were introduced at this evaluation such as new weight factors within yield index and new weighting of lactations within several traits. Also weights within udder index for Holstein and frame index for Nordic red breeds were updated.

Read more about the new NTM and other changes:

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Updated Interbeef breeding values

Now there are new official Interbeef breeding values published for the breeds Charolais, Limousin and Simmental.

New with this update is that there are international breeding values for Birth Weight (BWT) and Calving Ease (CAE)  also for Simmental. Breeding values for Adjusted Weaning Weight (AWW) were already available for all three breeds.

Read more about the Nordic cooperation in Interbeef and look at top lists of Interbeef breeding values under Beef Cattle.

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