NAV Genomic evaluation service for International Holstein AI bulls

By submitting genotype and pedigree data to Nordic Cattle Genetic Evaluation (NAV), owners of Holstein AI bulls can choose to order GEBV for Interbull traits and/or GEBV for the unique Nordic traits.

Interbull traits include production, fertility, calving, longevity, conformation, milkability, temperament, and udder health – the same traits are evaluated by the other  members of the EuroGenomics Cooperative. The breeding values of AI bulls going through this process will depending of the order be published in Nordic (DFS) ranking or six different rankings: Nordic (DFS), Dutch/Flemish, French, Spanish, Polish and Germany.

The unique Nordic traits include claw health, young stock survival, growth, saved feed, persistency and general health. GEBV for these traits will only be published on the Nordic scale.


Submitting data


Owners of AI bulls older than 10 months can submit bull data to Nordic Cattle Genetic Evaluation (NAV) (see contacts below). They will then receive genomic breeding values for all Interbull traits and NTM (Nordic Total Merit Index) and/or the unique Nordic traits. If you want to apply for a genomic evaluation for screening or publication on the Nordic scale, you have to sign a contract for each bull. Links to contracts are put in brackets.

Publication – the GEBVs will be officially published:

  • The fee for the evaluation of one bull, including listing in Nordic official publications for Interbull traits and NTM, is €1150. (Contract Interbull traits)
  • The fee for the evaluation of one bull, including listing in official publications for Interbull traits and NTM on all Eurogenomic scales is €2000. (Contract Interbull traits)
  • The fee for the evaluation of one bull, including listing in official publications for Nordic traits, is €1 per sold dose of semen, with a minimum of 2.000 doses. (Contract Nordic traits)

The official DFS genomic breeding values will be published on the NAV website. The EuroGenomics website, will show the genomic breeding values on the six national scales for the Interbull traits mentioned above.


Screening – the GEBVs will be unoffial (not for publication)


Genotype and pedigree data

Genotype and the pedigree data has to be delivered in the described format. Please, be aware of deadlines for sending DNA tissue for inclusion in genomic evaluation.


NAV contacts for ordering of GEBVs:

Gert Pedersen Aamand, +45 2171 7788